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Ethos & Values

We are a church school family who hold values at the heart of all that we are and do.

We aspire to open a gateway through which our children can travel on their life's journey full of confidence, compassion and courage. We seek to understand our place in the world and the change we cna be, through living our Christian value in our daily lives with joy and hope.

We seek to understand our place in the world, and the change we can be, through living our Christian values in our daily lives with joy and hope.

We desire that all who journey with us will enjoy life to the full. We want our children to be curious, enthusiastic challenge-seekers who are empowered to direct their learning.

We believe our children flourish by engaging with all that we offer - there are no walls to learning. Our curriculum is rooted in skills that children will need throughout their lives, whatever their future may hold.

We have a gate in our school logo because the word Hatch, in Hatch Beauchamp derives from a 12th century English word meaning gate. Jesus said, “I am the gate. The person who enters through me will be saved. He will be able to come in and go out and find pasture…I came to give life—life in all its fullness.” (John 10: 9-10). It is, therefore, only natural for us as a church school to celebrate these verses from the bible.

Our School Values

Our school culture is underpinned by five core values – shared principles that everybody in the school tries to uphold in everything that they do.

ACE Character Gateways

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