Christian Distinctiveness

We provide an exciting and enriching education based on Christian value in a safe and happy atmosphere. Each person in uniquely valued and their gifts and potential are nurtured and developed, enabling them to enjoy life to the full and go forward to their next stage of learning with the confidence and skills that they need.
The school aims to:
Enable our pupils to learn about, experience and value the wonder of God's creation.
Create a love of learning in which our children will experience personal achievement and fulfilment
Create a love of learning in which our children will experience personal achievement and fulfilment.
Develop personal qualities that wll equip our children to succeed and to enhance the lives of those they meet.
Engage in a partnership with parents and carers to encourage and develop these qualities.
Value and respect all members of our school community
Our Christian vision in the framework around which we build our "house".
It provides the structure for how we model our lives, talk to each other and build our relationships.
Our values lie at the heart of everything we do.
We seek to serve our community through visiting the elderly people at a residential home, fund-raising and
supporting a wide range of charities and hosting coffee mornings and breakfasts.
We encourage our children to develop spirituality, through reflection, discussion and prayer.
They take active roles in planning and leading worship both in school and within the wider community.
St John the Baptist Church plays an important role in school life. Holly Stevens (Children Schools & Families Worker) takes regular Collective Worship assemblies at school. We celebrate the main Christian festivals such as Harvest Festival, Christmas and Easter by visiting St John's for church services. We take part in community worship such as the village Carol Service and other events. We also visit the church and work with Church members to support our RE curriculum.