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Please ensure that all items of clothing or lunchboxes/drinks bottle brought to school by your child are clearly named.  All lost property with a name on can be returned straight to your child’s class. We keep all items without names in the office for a short period of time only.

Your child will need to have their PE kit available on the days they have PE.
They will need to bring their book bag in every day.

All pupils wear a red and gold jumper with a white collared shirt and a red and gold striped tie.  Grey or black trousers or skirts with black shoes complete the outfit. Red checked school dresses provide an extra option for the summer and sandals (not open-toed in pre-school).

For PE pupils we request that pupils wear black shorts, a white logo T-shirt and daps/trainers.  
Also red, school logo hoodies can be purchased. No make-up/nail varnish.

Uniforms can be purchased from:

Southwest School Wear

144b East Reach

Telephone: 01823 278080

Hatch Beauchamp Archives - South West Schoolwear (

School T-shirts can be purchased from:

Stunning Customised T-Shirts | S.H.O Custom Prints (

Jewellery is not allowed for safety reasons.  Any child with pierced ears must sign a disclaimer.  
Watches may be worn at the discretion of parents.

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